Sunbeam City Meeting 16 March, 2023 **Check in:** * [[ | @analuisa]] * [[ | @handle]] (they/them) * [[ | @squeakypancakes]] * [[ | @Kira]] **Agenda:** - Check-ins/intros * happened - Old Business * Decide on voting * New Business * Need new Wiki Maintainer * Need new Moderators * Kevlar still wants to * make a callout **Call to Vote** Adopt new decission making process based on autonomic * Use matrix for voting at least until loomio is back up * Use Wiki for new proposals at least until loomio is back up Approved **Unfinished Business for Next Meeting** * OC card **Finances** Finance update Annual budget: €641.43 EUR Expenses about €20/month, €240/year, so seems fine? **Also see:** * [[gcm_jan24_2023 | Previous Meeting]] * [[2022_Voting_Log | 2022 Voting Log]]