====== Preparation ====== Read [[https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases|release notes]] (be sure to click the release version heading to see the full notes). Check out the (brief) [[https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/upgrading/|generic release notes on joinmastodon.org]] Make sure you have a copy of https://gitlab.com/sunbeam.city/mastodon/ cloned locally. ====== Build a new version ====== export NEW_VERSION=4.2.0 # change to actual new version git checkout trunk git fetch upstream --tags git checkout -b merged-$NEW_VERSION git merge v$NEW_VERSION git checkout trunk git merge merged-$NEW_VERSION git push Then check [[https://gitlab.com/sunbeam.city/mastodon/-/jobs|the "Jobs" page on Gitlab]], and you should see the Docker image build happily running 🏃 It takes about 8 minutes. ====== Deploy the new version ====== SSH to the server (arkology.sunbeam.city). Then run: cd /var/services/mastodon sudo -u services git pull sudo docker-compose pull && \ sudo docker-compose down && \ sudo docker-compose up -d sudo docker-compose run --rm -e SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS=true web bundle exec rails db:migrate