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Table of Contents
Energy Generation
Wind Power
- $30 vertical-axis wind turbine by Open Source Low Tech.
- Wind Powered Factories: History (and Future) of Industrial Windmills (cloudy weather backup) by Low Tech Magazine.
Masonry Heating
- Masonry Heating functionality and building plans
Solar Power
Hydro Power
Stirling Engine
- An explanation by LTD Stirling. The Stirling engine converts thermal energy into kinetic energy: for example, solar powered pumps or electricity generation.
Composting Power Plant
- A Jean Pain compost based power plant produces heat and gas while reducing forest fires. Just add water!
Electricity generation from plants
Human Power
- Bike Powered Electricity Generators are Not Sustainable (cloudy weather backup) by Low Tech Magazine.
- The Sky is the Limit: Human-Powered Cranes and Lifting Devices (cloudy weather backup) by Low Tech Magazine.
- The Short History of Early Pedal Powered Machines (cloudy weather backup) by Low Tech Magazine.
Solar Energy for heat up water
Energy Storage
- Contribute some manuals or “how-tos” regarding energy storage.
energy.1606680894.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/29 20:14 by squeakypancakes