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−Table of Contents
Food & Farming
Simple foods to grow at home
Sprouts are very easy to grow at home. Alfalfa seeds, mung beans, chickpeas and many others provide great nutrition while costing very little and taking almost no time at all to get started.
Soak the seeds / beans in water overnight, then put them (damp) into a clean jam jar and rinse at least every day. They should start sprouting pretty quickly and can be eaten after a few days (at whatever stage you want really). If kept in the fridge once ready, they should keep longer as it slows their growth.
Be aware of salmonella and E. coli: unclean practices and leaving the sprouts too long without rinsing increases the likelihood of getting food poisoning. Keep jam jars clean and rinse the sprouts often.
this section is a work in progress
* Hoop Houses
* Thermal Mass Greenhouses
* Underground Greenhouses
* Cold Frames
* Salvaged Greenhouses
- Contribute some manuals or “how-tos” regarding aforestation
Permaculture is a practical design philosophy intended to help us live and prosper in an environment, while working with nature in a positive way, using solutions based on careful observation of natural ecosystems and common sense.
- What is Permaculture? (YouTube) - Our Changing Climate
- Permaculture Lecture Series (Vimeo) - Bill Mollison
How-To Links
- Hügelkultur - A mound garden bed made of nothing wood covered with other compostables and dirt. Requires no digging, tilling, watering (except in droughts), or fertilizing.
- Keyhole garden - A raised bed incorporating an active compost bin in the center, removing the need for fertilizing. Designed to work even in harsh climates and with poor soil.
- Ruth Stout method - Also called “no work gardening,” it only requires a thick layer of hay or another mulch over your seeds and… that's it. No digging, tilling, watering, or fertilizing, and the weeding process is easy and rare.
- Herb spiral - A very productive and time-efficient raised garden design, creating a series of different micro-climates perfect for a variety of herbs.
- Three Sisters - A traditional Iroquois technique where corn, squash, and beans are planted together, increasing production of all three while reducing labor and material input.
Water Management
- ShareWaste - Find someone nearby to give your scraps to, or offer your compost bin for your neighbor's scraps.
60 years of farming left - Scientific American