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Here are some national or international-scale solarpunk-adjacent organizations worth working with or donating to.

Environmental activism

  • Extinction Rebellion - Nonviolent action in response to the urgent threat of climate change.
  • Rising Tide: North America/United Kingdom/Australia/Ecuador/Finland - Occupations and blockades, among other actions, to oppose fossil fuels and protect the environment.
  • Earth Strike - The world's first global general strike. Planned for September 27th 2019, it demands immediate action on climate change.
  • Demand Utopia! - A libertarian municipalist organization which opposes fascism, takes direct action, and fights for liberation and the environment.

Community building

  • Transition Network - Neighborhood-level organizing, projects, and development of resources (such as Repair Cafes, community gardens,and makerspaces) to build sustainable circular economies.
  • Buy Nothing Project - Share your resources and your skills with your neighbors, with the ultimate goal being to buy nothing.
  • Falling Fruit - Plant fruit trees and other edible plants in urban environments to help end food insecurity.
  • Food Not Lawns - Share skills, labor, and resources to promote urban farming.
  • Communitere - A non-profit that builds makerspaces and provides other resources to promote independence and resilience in underserved, exploited, or disaster-struck areas.

Collective bargaining

Mutual aid

Online activism

  • Peng - Hacking/art activism.
  • Framasoft - Education, publishing, and internet privacy.
  • heropunch - Hacktivism and software/hardware development for a better future.
organizations.1546202870.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/30 20:47 by socalledunitedstates