Welcome to Sunbeam City's wiki. Sunbeam City is a solarpunk collective.
Solarpunks cherish nature, progress and science; the individual and the community.
They believe in a world that is green, colourful, and bright. It can be described as a literary genre, an aesthetic, or a movement. The key points are:
- An emphasis on renewable energy, especially solar power.
- A demand for technology and society to re-centre around sustainability, longevity, and balance.
- A focus on decentralisation, community activism, social justice and civic empowerment.
- A recognition that economic, social, and ecological injustices are all deeply inter-connected.
For a more comprehensive description, check out this article
Sunbeam City is an instance of Mastodon in the fediverse. We are organized as a cooperative that empowers its members to determine their own governance through our Governance Policy.
start.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/29 18:30 by wakest